How To Avoid Sleepiness After Eating Meal?

How To Avoid Sleepiness After Eating Meal? How To Avoid Sleepiness After Eating Meal? Hey there! Many of us may have felt an undeniable urge to sleep after a hearty meal and conveniently, it usually happens right after eating lunch. But why? How do we avoid it? The feeling of being tired after a meal is called as postprandial somnolence. Here are some of the causes.  1. The Time Of Your Meal   Yes, the time of day that you eat is crucial to how you feel afterward. According to many experts, we feel a natural dip in our energy twice a day, once at 2AM and again at 2PM. So, if you are having your lunch at around 12:30 to 1PM, you may feel sleepy by the time it hits 2.  This is because your energy lowers at that time. Additionally, after a meal, your body is more concentrated on digesting that meal than any other process. When you think about it, going to sleep may not be a bad idea, as it would allow your body to digest food better.  Unfortunately, most of us have work and we don't w

Benefits Of Drinking Water | 30 Days Water Challenge |

Benefits Of Drinking Water |30 Days Water Challenge| 

Benefits Of Drinking Water | 30 Days Water Challenge |

Hello there ! Did you know that water makes up roughly 75 percent of the human brain? With water playing such an important role in our lives, you can see why proper water intake and hydration are important to your overall health. 

Water is the most natural beverage choice available to us, but it’s far from the only one: coffee, tea, milk, juice, and soda are all other options for someone looking to wet their whistle on a particularly dry and sunny day. But what would happen if we were to cut all of these other options from the list, and instead rely on water as our only beverage of choice, say for about 30 days or so? 

Today, we’re going to talk about  the benefits of drinking water and we are also gonna take a look at some of the effects you might expect from drinking nothing but water for 30 days.

|30 Days Water Challenge|

1. Improved Mental Performance

Remember how we said that your brain is actually 75 percent water? For reasons unknown, going to water as your fundamental wellspring of hydration can have some fantastically strong impacts on your psychological exhibition just as your innovativeness. 

As indicated by research distributed in neuroscientific diaries, drinking only water for an entire 30 days can possibly have a fundamentally positive effect on your mind's degree of action. This is because your brain needs an adequate supply of oxygen in order to properly function; and as it turns out, water just so happens to be an excellent source of oxygen for your brain. 

By drinking 8 to 10 cups of water every day, you can expect a boost in your lcognitive performance by as much as an incredible 30 percent. Forget about those energy drinks; if you really want a boost in brain power, all you really need to do is simply turn on the tap.

2. Improved Weight Loss - Benefits Of Drinking Water For Weight Loss

In addition to improving your mental functions, an adequate intake of water can have a positive effect on your physical health as well. Case in point, drinking nothing but water can be highly effective when it comes to weight loss. Some of the reasoning behind this is obvious; after all, water contains no calories, carbohydrates or added sugars, which is more than can be said for most soft drinks and sodas.

Additionally, however, water also helps to remove harmful toxins and waste products from your vital organs, helping to cleanse your system and trim down on excess belly fat in the process . Just be mindful of the fact that you may expect some bloating early on as your body retains water; after the adjustment period has passed, however, you can start to expect some significant weight loss as a result of your 30 day water challenge cleanse

Studies also indicate that drinking water first thing in the morning can also help to boost your metabolism by up to 24 percent, making your quest to shed off those extra pounds even easier in the long run. So now you the benefits of drinking water for weight loss.

3. Strengthened Immune System

Not only will drinking plenty of water help you to get healthy; it will also help you to stay healthy as well. This is because a proper intake of water can potentially provide a much needed boost to your body’s immune system.

This is on the grounds that water helps your body by filling in as an impetus for improving different fundamental capacities.
for example, the general execution and wellbeing of your kidneys and liver.

Since these organs help filter and expel poisons from your blood, keeping them healthy implies that you'll be keeping the rest of your body solid as well by proxy.

In addition to improving your immune system and protecting your body against toxins and illnesses, keeping your kidneys healthy will also help prevent painful and unwanted conditions such as kidney stones.

4. Improved Heart Health

Your liver and kidneys aren’t the only organs in your body that can benefit from an increased intake of water. One of the other most important organs in your body, your heart, also benefits greatly when your body is properly hydrated. 

Water prevents your blood from thickening, which, in turn, helps to keep your blood pressure at manageable levels and thus reduce the risk of potential heart attacks. Water also makes it easier to deliver oxygen enriched blood to your body’s various organs, and drinking a glass of water before bed can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and related conditions such as stroke.

As indicated by an investigation on the impacts of water on the human body, it was resolved that individuals who drank in excess of 5 cups of water each day experienced a 41 percent decrease in the risk of death related to a fatal heartattack.

5. Improved Bone Health and Stronger Bones

Need to “bone up” on some more reasons why water is good for you? Look no further! Water helps your body in the process of absorbing cartilage, which is used as a shock absorber so your bones and joints can move smoothly without causing tension and resulting in damage. 

Drinking water on a regular basis also helps with joint flexibility as well, meaning that water can also help limber you up and allow your joints to perform more effectively. No bones about it, drinking water is always a good idea.

6. Reducing Effects of Aging - Benefits of Drinking Water For Skin

Looking for the fountain of youth? As it turns out you may have set the bar a bit too high; in fact, it seems as though any fountain can potentially be a fountain of youth, assuming that it’s a fountain that dispenses water. Drinking water keeps your skin healthy and hydrated, which can cause some significant reductions in the aging process and help mitigate the onset of those pesky and unwanted wrinkles. Now you know the benefits of drinking water for skin.

So if you’re looking to stay young and rejuvenated for as long as possible, drinking an adequate amount of water is bound to help out. 

As you can see, water benefits your body in a variety of ways. From keeping your vital organs healthy to increasing your flexibility and even slowing down the aging process. With all of this in mind, you might want to think this over and weigh your options the next time you’re feeling parched. 

You could buy a soda at the vending machine, but why do that when you know the benefits of water and you could take a sip from the water instead? Your body might thank you for it in the long run. 

So, did you find this article informative? Do you happen to know any other health benefits that can be associated with drinking water every day? If yes, then let me know in the comments.


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