How To Avoid Sleepiness After Eating Meal?

How To Avoid Sleepiness After Eating Meal? How To Avoid Sleepiness After Eating Meal? Hey there! Many of us may have felt an undeniable urge to sleep after a hearty meal and conveniently, it usually happens right after eating lunch. But why? How do we avoid it? The feeling of being tired after a meal is called as postprandial somnolence. Here are some of the causes.  1. The Time Of Your Meal   Yes, the time of day that you eat is crucial to how you feel afterward. According to many experts, we feel a natural dip in our energy twice a day, once at 2AM and again at 2PM. So, if you are having your lunch at around 12:30 to 1PM, you may feel sleepy by the time it hits 2.  This is because your energy lowers at that time. Additionally, after a meal, your body is more concentrated on digesting that meal than any other process. When you think about it, going to sleep may not be a bad idea, as it would allow your body to digest food better.  Unfortunately, most of us have work and we don't w

How to DETOXIFY your body through INTERMITTENT FASTING ?

How to DETOXIFY your body through INTERMIT

How to Detoxify your full body ? / How to cleanse your body?

Hello guys ! In this article we will talk about how you can detoxify your body and get rid of the waste sitting inside your body. In other words , by giving your internal body a bath, you will automatically lose weight, have clearer skin, greater energy and much more mental clarity.

Before we move ahead let’s discuss what happens to your food after it leaves your hand and enters your body.

You may already know that first it goes in your stomach where it is broken down and then to your intestines and then it’s finally excreted in the form of waste. But do you think every food takes the same amount of time to finish this cycle? Of course not ! Fruits take about 3 hours to digest and eliminate ,1 hour in stomach, 1hour in small intestine and; 1hour in large intestine.Vegetables take a little longer, about 6 hours.What about grains? Which basically includes wheat, rice and lentils, beans Any idea? They takes 18 hours to digest and eliminate.Now of course these figures are estimates to give you an idea.

Basically, less the water in a substance harder it is for your body to digest. Now, grains take 18 hours to pass through your system and most of us are eating them 3, or even 4 times a day. That means even before the last meal was digested we throw in more food.

Quite naturally, the last meal is left undigested It does not exit our body through stool. It rots, ferments and decays inside. It grows mold, viruses and fungus inside our intestines.

Have you heard those creepy stories of tapeworms being found in peoples’ intestines? 

Ofc those people didn’t eat tapeworms so how did they get there? Through the rotting undigested food sitting in the colon. You might have heard the saying, ‘you are what you eat’ True, but more importantly, ‘you are what you ate’ .
That burger you ate a year ago might still be sitting inside you. Stuff like bread, cheese, all these namkeens, snacks biscuits, tea, coffee, fast food, sugar and mostly everything that does not directly come from Mother Nature is extremely difficult to digest and eliminate. It sticks to the walls of our intestines and forms a thick coating. The walls of our intestines have millions of tiny finger like projections called villi. Whatever food comes in contact with the intestinal wall, these villi absorb it and carry it to the bloodstream and from there, it is delivered to each and every cell of the body. Now imagine, if there’s rotting dead waste sticking to the intestines that’s what the villi absorb, and transport to every cell. Naturally, this waste surrounds our organs, blocks their functioning, and we call it disease.

It sticks in the layers of our skin, we call it acne, eczema, psoriasis. If it forms a stone in the kidney or gallbladder, we call it a stone What about excess weight? If you want to lose the waist, you gotta lose the waste. If the waste makes the blood heavy causing the heart to pump it with more pressure we call it High Blood Pressure. If it sticks to our intestines, we call it constipation and constipation is the other of all diseases. If this waste gets stuck in the airways, making it difficult to breathe, we call it asthma. If it forms plaque inside the artery walls, we call it cholesterol

Today, this waste might have manifested as a small problem. But if we don’t clean it up, tomorrow, this same waste will take a much more destructive stage like a tumour or a cancer cell. By taking out this waste, these toxins, disease is automatically cured.And detoxification helps you to take out all the waste sitting in your body.

No disease can survive in a body that’s clean internally. This human body is Mother Nature’s precious gift to us. Soon, we will return it back to her. In the time we have, it’s our duty to keep it clean, bustling with energy and health - the way she has designed it to be. And it is only possible through Detoxification.

Assume a car which runs on petrol. If you put in diesel in the car which was meant for petrol, obviously it will not work.To make it work, you first need to remove the diesel, and then, put in the petrol. The same thing happening with us. No wonder, it’s not properly working.

So it is very important to detoxify our body in order to cleanse it properly.

So step 1 is to take out the bad stuff - the waste by detoxification and step 2 is to take in the good stuff.

How to detoxify your body ?

The first thing you need to start doing is INTERMITTENT FASTING. 
Because INTERMITTENT FASTING helps your body to DETOXOFY all the toxins and waste material.

What is Intermittent fasting ?

Now please don't get intimidated by this. it's not hard. See, the healing power that will remove toxins, cure disease and make you lose weight is sitting inside each your body, not in a pill or a vaccine or drug. The doctor that cures you is inside your body and by intermittent fasting, you let this healing power do its work. And there’s proof for this when you break a bone, a plaster is placed on your arm to keep it in place, to give it rest. In a few days, the bone automatically joins itself. It’s not like there’s some medicine in the plaster. 

So what is it that joins that broken bone? It’s your healing power. This healing power is an enormous, magnificent power. If it can join a broken bone, can it not break stones, lumps, cysts in your body? Can it not remove those toxins? Can it not cure diabetesblood pressure, obesity or arthritis? 

Of course it can because the healing power doesn’t know what your disease is called, these terms are given by doctors. Once the healing power starts fixing, it fixes everything, no matter where it’s located, no matter how long it’s been there.

How healing power works ?

Now let's understand how our healing power works. The healing power can only do one thing at a time either digestion or healing. We never let our healing power do it’s work ,we constantly keep interupting it. We keep diverting it. We keep disturbing it. You know how? BY ALWAYS EATING. 

As soon as we eat something, this healing power leaves whatever it was doing before and starts digesting and eliminating our food. Unfortunately, we’re constantly eating. We have two slices of toast for breakfast, before it was digested, we put in a bowl of rice for lunch, before rice was digested, we put in 2 chapatis for dinner. So stomach is constantly working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, never getting a break. 

If you want this healing power to do it’s work, you must, from time to time, give digestion a break. I suggest that you give a 16 hour break to your stomach every night.

For example, if you eat dinner at 8pm, eat nothing till 12 noon the next day. At 12 noon, you have your first solid meal of food. What you’re basically doing is that you’re fasting for 16 hours everyday and eating in an 8 hour window, It’s called intermittent fasting or 16 hour fasting

Before 12 noon, you can take easily digestible liquids such as coconut water or vegetable juices, but strictly no fruit juice, tea, coffee or milk.This is actually much easier than you think because most of the time you’re not eating, you’re sleeping. 

Fasting might seem abnormal to you at first, but actually this is how Mother Nature has designed our bodies. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors didn’t have supermarkets, refrigerators or food available year-round. Sometimes we couldn’t find anything to eat, and our bodies evolved to be able to fast. If anything, fasting from time to time is more “natural” than constantly eating 4 times a day.

How long should you fast for ?

What hours you want to fast - that’s totally upto you Some people find it difficult to not eat food until 12 pm, but find it easy to eat their last meal at 6pm. In this case, you could fast everyday from 6pm to 10am the next morning. If you are a working person and have dinner at 9 pm at night then fast till atleast 1pm the next day. Through daily 16 hour fasts, your body gets to chance to do a little healing everyday.

If 16 is too much in beginning, start with 14 and stretch. That's okay You might be already doing 12 hours fasting. This is not difficult.Let’s say you have dinner at 8pm and your first solid meal at 12pm next morning Your dinner, if healthy, would probably get digested in 6 hours. So from 8pm till 2am - your digestion hours are going on.

As soon as the healing power is done digesting, it starts healing! So the next 10 hours will be your healing hours. This is when it rebuild tissue, fades away old scars, replaces old damaged, or dead cells in your skin. It dissolves stones in your kidney and gallbladder, removes extra fat from the cells, cleans your intestines, removes the mucus blocking your airways, and clears the plaque in your arteries. Your healing power goes into the depths of every organ and pulls out the toxins lying there, and pushes them out of your body through stool, urine, sweat or breath. 

Now it’s also very important that your dinner is a light meal. I suggest having a salad or soup. If you eat a heavy meal full of grains like chapati, rice or lentils, it would take more digestion hours, leaving you with no, or very little healing hours. 

In the morning have juices such as coconut water, or the best - ash gourd juice if they are not available, have juice of any seasonal vegetable 2 hours later, have breakfast, in which you have a big platter of fresh seasonal fruits. For lunch, have grains - sabzi-chapati or brown rice or quinoa. It's important to eat grains the least and vegetables as much as possible. For dinnner, have a salad or soup If you feel hungry in between, have coconut water or fresh grated coconut to make this lifestyle easier. 

Don’t overeat. Too much of a good thing is not that good. Don't think that "If I'm eating all healthy, I can eat as much as a I want." Always leave a little space in your stomach before you get up from the dinner table.

The speed of how quick you recover from a disease is proportionate to how many healing hours you give to your body. If you’re fasting 16 hours every night, in one week, you have given 112 healing hours In one month, roughly 450 hours In 3 months, about 1500 hours And in 1500 HH. 

All chronic diseases like diabetes, cholestrol etc can be cured from the root through Intermittent Fasting. If you’re young or if your problem is not that old, it would probably take you much less time than that. Just make sure you also follow the diet that I have given you.

Every religion tells us to fast whether its through rozas or ekadsi or good friday. As per the read rich, timeless sciences of India like Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga and they all agree to this one basic principle. When you don’t have to think about food till noon, you’re so much more productive. You get more things done in the day because you don’t keep thinking about food.

The second way that helps you to detoxify your body .

Second method is Wetpack Sometimes, the waste, or the toxins, become stagnant in our blood. One of the best ways to make them circulate is through a cold wet pack

How to make wet pack ?

Take a white cotton cloth about 1 by 2.5 meters. Fold it into a long strip about 10 inches wide, dip it in cold water (as cold as you can easily bear) and wring it out, wrap it around the stomach and tuck it in so it doesn’t fall off. Your navel should lie between the strip of cloth. Take another cotton strip, much smaller this time dip it in cold water and wrap around your neck. Take another cold strip and wrap around your forehead. You can buy cotton cloth and get it tailored. 

You can wear your clothes over it and continue your work. You don’t need to sit in one place. Keep it on for about 30 - 40 minutes. You can apply it anytime - even before or after a meal. Just don’t eat or drink anything while it is on. In Summers, do it twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. Atleast once in a day if not twice. You can skit this in winters. 

What happens when wet pack is applied ?

Parts where the wet pack is applied, the body becomes cold, rest of your body remains warm. When two temperatures are maintained in your body, blood starts circulating. With blood, even the waste is circulated - it starts leaving it’s place. Wet pack is amazingly effective in digesting your food and cutting down on tummy fat. 

Wetpack cures such as Indigestion , IBS, Acidity. No matter what illness you have, apply the wet pack on all the parts - the stomach, neck and head, because they’re all connected. In case of headache or migraine, apply wetpack immediately for instant relief It looks very ordinary, you might think, "How can this piece of cloth detox my body?" But actually, wetpack works like magic. 

So I hope that by now you know exactly how to clean the body. 


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